Tuesday, January 10, 2012


Ok.. so I have sucked at blogging so far. But between holidays and our big news things have been busy. I am happy to say we are expecting our first little nugget. She/He will arrive September 17 (or whenever) 2012 and I couldn't be happier. On that note.. I am also petrified. I plan on being a stay-at-home mom and it's hard to imagine what things will things will be like once my income disappears. One big positive about this whole thing is that we are being forced to cut down our costs and live within our means (which up til about a month ago was just a sick, sick joke). We are finally paying off our debt and saving up. Good parents! But things will be tight and I'm trying to find ways to keep myself preoccuppied once I am a full-time mommy so I don't lose my sense of business savy I worked so hard to get. I know I am leaving the work force MUCH earlier then most expecting moms who plan to stay at home, however, we feel this is the best thing for OUR family. I clearly do not like my job - and this will be a good way to find out just what I am capable of. Right now though I am focused on my little nuggy and making sure it is growing nice and strong. I know you don't announce to the world your preggers til the 2nd trimester. But I figured noone really reads this blog (YET ;) ) atleast that I know on a personal basis. YAY for blog friends.

Cheers to non-alcoholic drinks and a long list of foods you shouldn't eat!

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